The goal is to create a voice for Festival that can speak any valid lojban text. (It should hopefully be able to handle other languages as well using language shifts and other Festival voices. That is the future.)
(Edinburgh Speech Tools Directory) is set properly (for Debian it should be set to /usr
) and run make
. This should build the timings from the Praat files and generate the pitchmark files from the wavs.ljb_diphone/festvox/lojban_diphone.scm
so it reflects your installed path. XXX this should go away
(load "/path/you/installed/this/ljb_diphone/festvox/lojban_diphone.scm")
(SayText "coi rodo")
The tools used in making the voice are as follows
There's a great wealth of information on Festival's website, but the most important (or at least helpful to making this voice) have been:
$Id: README.html,v 1.3 2005/05/08 16:37:10 xajbir Exp $ $Log: README.html,v $ Revision 1.3 2005/05/08 16:37:10 xajbir Corrected incorrectly corrected non-typo, added clarifying note. Revision 1.2 2005/05/08 16:04:33 xajbir Fixed typo. Revision 1.1 2003/03/20 17:32:44 xavier added Revision 1.2 2003/03/03 06:46:07 xavier added more links